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IIT-Roorkee Short Term Course on Multivariate Techniques 2014

SHORT TERM COURSE on Multivariate Techniques
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)

Short Term Course on Multivariate Techniques

Organized by :
Department of Management Studies
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Continuing Education Centre
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Roorkee – 247667. Uttarakhand


  • To help those who are pursuing / about to regis-ter themselves for Ph.D. degree.
  • To help teachers of UG and PG programs in management and engineering institutes.
  • To impart knowledge of tools and techniques of decision making to Ph.D. scholars of various management and engineering institutes.
  • To establish and strengthen links with research institutes and organizations working in the area of market research.

  Course Content  

The data for decision making exploded in recent years, and will continue to do so in future, probably even faster. Some of the data can be analyzed and understood with simple statistics, but much of it requires more complex, multivariate statistical techniques to convert these data into knowledge. Multivariate analysis techniques are pop-ular because they enable organizations to create knowledge and thereby improve their decision making. Multivariate techniques are extension of univariate analy-sis and bivariate analysis. Researchers now require knowledge of these techniques. This course covers follow-ing topics.

  • Regression and correlation analysis
  • Factor Analysis
  • Multiple Discriminant Analysis and LR
  • Cluster Analysis
  • Multi Dimensional Scaling
  • Conjoint Analysis
  • Structure Equation Modeling

  Nomination and Correspondence  

Interested persons should send the nomination on the en-closed Performa duly sponsored by the appropriate authority along with the course fee to
The Head,
Continuing Education Centre,
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee,
Roorkee – 247 667.

Tel : 01332 – 284327 / 285227
Fax : 01332 – 285545 / 273560

  Programme Fee  

Corporate participants Rs. 12000.00
Academicians / faculty / Research scholars of other institutes Rs. 10000.00
Research scholars of the IITR without Boarding and Lodging Rs. 6000.00

Programme fee includes boarding and lodging at the campus guest house of the Continuing Education Cen-tre, course material and admission-cum tuition fee.

Last date for receiving of Application Form : 24h March 2014
Confirmation of participation to the course : 26th March 2014


The course fee should be sent in advance through a bank draft along with the duly filled nomination proforma. The DD should be drawn in favor of "Head, CEC, IIT Roorkee", payable at Roorkee with intimation to the course coordinator.

  Nomination and Correspondence  

  Course Coordinators  

Important Note :
The decision to run the course depends on the response and number of candidates. It is therefore advised that the candidates should proceed to join the course only on receipt of confirmation of ad-mission. Kindly bring laptop.

Source :

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  Error processing SSI file